Building a Routine

Building a Routine • Week 4

Well, I’d say the honeymoon period of building a routine has ended. Week 3 was a grind and what I said last week about finding motivation not being the hardest part did not hold true this week.

It was a particularly stressful week at Melodiq – mostly in the workload department. Sometimes a project stalls because of shifting priorities on the client-side which is totally understandable. You’re running a business and sometimes a new website can slip on the priorities list below staying in business. This week several projects came back on the radar at the same time with varying senses of urgency. After work my brain was a higher-than-normal ratio of mush so reading about Medicine 3.0 might as well have been me trying to read How to Tie a Tie in German.

So how’d we do?

Not bad in the exercise department. Hit our 5 days this week. Huzzah.

Reading 15 minutes/day started off strong but as I alluded to earlier, sputtered. I missed one day.

At 9PM on Thursday night I said to myself “You’re supposed to read 15 minutes” but then I didn’t. Simple as that. But James Clear bails me out: “Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit.”. Thanks, Jim. I got back to it on Friday and we’re back.

Family meal happened. Did we make our sauce and meatballs from scratch? Not this time. But we’re counting it anyway.

This week we’re going to focus on replacing a bad habit. One that Auni and I have loosely tried to tackle is our consumption of coffee drinks with fun flavors in them, ie sugary nonsense. We’re going to limit ourselves to two “fun” drinks/week. Luckily we have access to literally tens of gallons of cold brew. I already started the week off with a vanilla latte from Culture so I’ve got one left. Will it involve pumpkin? Probably.

It’s been nice to get notes from folks saying they’ve downloaded the Habit app and are doing their own fun version of this. If you’re on that wagon too, how’s it going?

K, byeee.